Friday, May 16, 2008


This goes out to anyone who is as frustrated as I am with the "Election year politics." I'm finding it very hard to get behind any of these candidates. I, like most republicans, aren't real thrilled with the mccain option and the thought of another clinton in the white house is enough to make me sick. So that leaves obama... but there are plenty of things about him that I wouldn't like in a President. I'm almost at the point where I want someone horrible in office just so people can see that President Bush isn't as bad as we've been led to believe. I mean, honestly, I know it's very "in" to hate the President and all the cool kids are doing it but it's just not the truth. There are so many positive things, HUGE positive things that just haven't gotten the media coverage or haven't been talked about enough for people to understand the whole situation.

This whole debate on oil and why we don't do this or that... it's pretty funny to me. In an economics class I had a while back we were talking about farming and the strategies that farmers have to use to make sure they position themselves correctly for the market swings and I got to thinking about that same situation with oil. Let me run this little scenario by you real quick - Right now everybody believes we are so "dependent" on "foreign oil" and that we couldn't live without it. But, I think it's a brilliant long-term strategy to "use up" all the other countries oil resources (without touching ours) so that when the time comes, we've got a nice stock pile and can sells our for a nice premium. Now of course there are a ton of other factors that could come into play in this scenario, but what if? The point is that the news tells us what to believe, and right now, I ain't buyin' it.

What's driving you nuts?

1 comment:

Penny said...

Funny you should say that, because Megan Hawken and I were saying the same thing. "Okay put Obama in the White House and let HIM try to fix some of the major probs the US."

I don't feel like I am a bigot, but perhaps if we have an African American in the WH, the others will see he's not the answer to their prayers. He's just a man with his own agenda.

What a mess!

What's driving me nuts? Perhaps immigration. Would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.
